Most of you know that this is a Vancouver Canucks Fan-Blog and as such I write about things that concern the Vancouver Canucks but this is a slight against Vancouver fans because one drunken jackass took it too far after the 6-2 drubbing that the Canucks gave the visiting Boston Bruins.
In all the articles and crap about Milan Lucic being assaulted in a Vancouver bar that he and his Bruin buddies went to, there was no onus on Lucic have any common-sense about being in a Granville Street Bar after midnight. Anybody who has lived in Vancouver knows that Granville Street after midnight is not the place to be and if you are one of the misfortuned enough to be in the area after midnight, you keep your head down, make yourself as inconspicuous a target as possible and get the hell out of there. You don't go doing like Milan Lucic and start being a tough guy; no matter how much you are a tough guy or do that kind of physical play on the ice surface. I really don't give a crap if he pounded Mike Komisarek into the ice surface and made him take up roughly the same surface area as a Sham-wow. You retaliate in a jackass manner (by hollering back at the assailant) and you just make yourself a bigger target. In that regard there wasn't a drunken jackass and Milan Lucic in this video - there were two drunken jackasses with one making death threats. As for the "I'll fucking kill you." That's a verbal threat and is indictable under the Canadian Criminal Code. Of course the Crown has to determine whether the threat was serious or not, but considering that it came from a hockey player with a penchant for dropping the gloves on the ice and verbally abusing his girlfriend Boston Barstool article on Lucic Verbal Altercation, the Vancouver cops might want to take a good look at the death-threat and verbally warn him that the behavior will not be tolerated.
Do I like him as a player? Not particularly and the hate for him as a Bruin does not translate into any dealings with him as a person. Frankly put, I don't know the guy (in answer to his "Do You Know Who I Am?" rant) and would care less about him if I ran into him on the street and that pretty much goes for most hockey players. Outside of the arena, they're normal citizens and should be held to the same standards as normal citizens. I don't feel that the guy who assaulted Lucic had any legitimate reason for doing so and should be arrested for assault and charged.
As far as his pissy "I'm gonna disown Vancouver", then his penitent retraction. I really don't give a flying shit about it anyway. Just remember that Vancouver remembers 2011 and there will be people who don't like Lucic. And he has to realize that common-sense should have prevailed and to not have put himself into a situation where there was the opportunity to be assaulted. In that regard, he is stupid. If he really wanted to he should have spent a quiet night in the hotel, sent out for food and then got on the plane and headed back to Boston.
I may not have been born in this city (I'm originally from Edmonton - moved to Vancouver in 1976 but have been a Canucks fan since 1970), but I am a Vancouverite more than I will ever be an Edmontonian (though it was the city of my birth). In 43 years of life, I've spent more time in British Columbia than I have in any other province in Canada. And when someone born in Vancouver slights "MY" adopted hometown as Milan Lucic has, I can pretty much tell him to "take yourself and go. Leave if you don't like this city. Set your roots in Boston if you feel that way. You put yourself into the situation that you did with the bar incident." Comparing what stupid idiots did to your church and to your parents doesn't compute with the situation that you put yourself into. What was done to your parents you can be indignant about, what you did to yourself in putting yourself in a situation that you could have easily avoided is just plain stupidity.
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